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Stormwater is excess rainfall or water that doesn't soak into the ground. Stormwater includes rainwater from hard surfaces such as roofs, driveways, and roads into the gutter.

Buller District Council is responsible for collecting and managing stormwater in the district to protect our community's health and safety and minimise property damage.

Stormwater along state highways is managed by Waka Kotahi; however, Council maintains parts of this network in Granity and Ngakawau on their behalf under a cost-share arrangement.

Rural land drainage and natural waterways, including creeks, rivers and streams, are managed by West Coast Regional Council in partnership with private property owners.

Looking after our stormwater network

Stormwater in our district is not treated apart from sediment removal and is discharged into natural waterways. Everything that goes down the drain ends up in our waterways. It is important to keep stormwater clean and pollution-free to keep oil, grease, paint, metal particles and animal waste out of our streams and rivers.

To report any problems with stormwater on public property please contact:

  • WestReef Services
    • 03 788 9090

  • Buller District Council
    • Westport: 03 788 9111 / 0800 807 239
    • Reefton: 03 732 8821 or 03 732 8092 after hours

Drainage issues on private property are the responsibility of the landowner. You may need to contact your plumber to help solve the problem.

Heavy rain and flooding

Anything that could cause death, serious injury, or property loss is considered an emergency. Please call 111. All flood waters should be treated as contaminated with wastewater.

Blocked sumps

Roadside stormwater sumps are cleared regularly but can quickly become blocked in heavy rain by leaves and rubbish. It is a good idea to check and clear debris from nearby sumps prior to forecasted weather events.

Please consider the effect cabbage trees and other plants that lose lots of leaves may have on the network and the effects of tree roots on stormwater pipes from nearby plantings.

Stormwater infiltration – Westport

Before the commissioning of the Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant, foul sewage and stormwater were often discharged to the same pipe, which was then discharged to the receiving waterways. This stormwater infiltration now causes significant loadings on the plants during wet weather, with sometimes as much as ten times more flow entering the plants than during normal dry weather flow.

As some areas of Westport experience a considerable backup of sewage/stormwater during moderate to heavy rainfall, Council is investigating where stormwater infiltration can be removed. This may include separating stormwater at various residential properties.

Council would appreciate any efforts by property owners to separate stormwater from foul sewage lines on their properties, particularly in areas where problems exist. If you require advice, please get in touch with Council 0800 807 239.

Rural property owners - rights and responsibilities

Download a guide to rural stormwater management here.

Application to install

If you want to install water, stormwater or sewer services or a vehicle crossing on a road in Buller, use our online or paper application form.

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