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Annual Plans

Every year, Council must adopt an Annual Plan for the following financial year.

The Annual Plan sets out the Council’s operational and financial plans for the financial year. It must also identify variations from any budgets that have been allocated in the Long Term Plan.

The document highlights the activities Council is involved in, the major issues and projects; and where there are some variations from our original estimates.

You will find details of what Council is planning to spend in the year ahead and how it will be paid for. Specific projects and issues have been highlighted against each of Council’s activities, together with the performance targets that will enable you to monitor progress over time.

2024-2025 Enhanced Annual Plan

The 2024-2025 Enhanced Annual Plan was adopted by Council on 26 June 2024. The Enhanced Annual Plan came into effect on 1 July 2024.

Deliberations held in June 2024, resulted in a reduction of the proposed total rates increase from 19.7% to approximately 14.6%.

The proposed general rates portion of the increase is 7.24%. Key drivers include increases in external loan interest due to higher interest rates and facility fees, the NZTA roading programme net of higher funding from NZTA, and in contractors' costs and insurance.

The proposed targeted rates portion of the increase is 6.73%. This includes increases in interest expenses due to higher forecast interest rates and debt levels, contract review costs for wastewater and water supply schemes, and increases in depreciation due to infrastructural revaluation gains and unplanned works funded by external grants.

The new net debt limit for Council of $36.9 million will exceed the net debt limit of $25 million set in the financial strategy. This is due to an increase in overall costs and the ongoing requirements as highlighted previously.