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Application to install

Use this application form if you want to install water, stormwater or sewer services or a vehicle crossing on a road in Buller.

This application is for constructing works in, on, along, over, across or under any road in the Buller District, or connecting to Council's drinking water, stormwater or wastewater networks.

Only approved contractors can undertake the work listed above. A list of approved contractors in the district is available here. You can use our form below or download the form here.

Please note that the physical work cannot be done yourself.

Application to install form

Details of the work
What would you like to install? * Tick the appropriate box/boxes (Please note you can submit multiple installations in one application, as long the address is the same. If the address differs, please lodge one application for each address.)

This is the address of the property you would like to carry out the work.
Is a building or resource consent required? * If a consent is required, please contact Council's planning office prior to submitting and application.

In case the contractor does not provide a separate site plan, you will need to provide a plan showing the location of the proposed service or structure in relation to existing services, boundaries, fence lines, buildings etc. You can use an A4 blank paper to draw a site plan. The plan does not need to be too scall.
Contractor details
Applicant details
Please indicate the location of the vehicle crossing in relation to fence lines, property boundaries, etc in your side plan.
Please provide this in NZ Dollars
Privacy statement
Privacy Statement: The personal information that you provide in this form will be held and protected by Buller District Council in accordance with our privacy policy (available at and at council libraries and service centres) and with the Privacy Act 2020. Council's privacy policy explains how we may use and share your personal information in relation to any interaction you have with the council, and how you can access and correct that information. We recommend you familiarise yourself with this policy.
Terms and conditions *

Terms and conditions

In making this application, I / We (the contractor) understand the following:

  1. That I / We must meet all costs of any reinstatement required by Council.
  2. Any reinstatement work is to be undertaken according to the Council's specifications.
  3. The Council's Infrastructure staff will inspect any reinstatement work to ensure the specifications are met.
  4. Upon satisfactory performance of the completed work at the end of a six (6) month defect liability period, a $55.00 invoice may be sent to the contractor to cover inspection costs.
  5. The contractor is to notify Council after the work at which date the defects liabilityperiod will commence.
  6. All work must be carried out in accordance with any relevant regulations, standards, statutes, etc.
  7. That I / We must provide a work plan outlining the location and layout of the work.
  8. Before work commences, I / We must effect public liability insurance for a minimum of $2,000,000.00.
  9. Temporary traffic control and safety at roadworks sites shall be as outlined in the Waka Kotahi NZTA Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management for LV and Level 1 Roads.
  10. That I / We are required to furnish a Traffic Management Plan relative to the proposed work.
  11. That I / We are responsible for determining and physically locating the existence and positions of pipes, cables and other services, on or about the site of the proposed works and for protecting these services.
  12. That I / We shall be responsible for the cost of repairs for any damage that occurs to any services, utilitiesor private property as a result of the proposed works being undertaken.
  13. BDC requires ‘as built’ plans to be submitted within 10 days of the completion of the works along with before, during and after digital photographs of the site. 
  14. That work is not to commence before Council approval has been granted.
  15. The work involved must be completed within three (3) months of the Council's approval.
  16. Failure to adhere to the above may result in losing "Approved Contractor" status.
  17. All works will be completed to BDC engineering standards for construction and materials.
  18. Warranty on works commences on the closing date of the CAR or notification date of works completion.