Inangahua stormwater and drinking water upgrades to commence in 2025
A programme of work to upgrade Inangahua’s stormwater and drinking water infrastructure is expected to start from 20 January 2025, with the tender lodged and evaluated and a contract ready for award to the successful contractor.
Drinking water
The drinking water upgrade involves replacing 835 metres of treated water trunk main from the Water Treatment Plant to the reservoir tanks.
This will renew 635 m of rising main up to the reservoir tanks and 200 m of falling main connecting back down to the township reticulation, replacing the old 50 mm diameter alkathene pipeline with a modern 63 mm diameter polyethylene pipe.
The new polyethylene pipe is made out of a modern and more durable, long-life material with good seismic stability compared to its aged alkathene predecessor.
Residents will be notified prior to the new water main being connected.
The planned stormwater upgrades will assist in relieving the surface flooding issues currently impacting part of the Inangahua Junction township during heavy rain events.
Two open swale drains will be installed along Lancaster Street to divert stormwater, and the existing open drain system along State Highway 6 (1-180 Upper Buller Gorge Road) will be cleaned and repaired, restoring its original functionality.
The stormwater project will also include the construction of a new underground 600 mm diameter culvert, running underneath the highway and along Inwoods Road. This will carry stormwater from the new Lancaster Street swale drains and allow discharge into the existing gulley, which is adjacent to Inwoods Road, behind the old store.
Residents will be kept up to date as plans progress. Disruptions during the construction are expected to be minimal, although there will be periods that require single-lane traffic management of State Highway 6 as works progress under the road.
Further information:
Residents can sign up to Cuncil’s water supply updates and selecting the Inangahua option.
Questions about this work can be sent to with the subject line ‘Inangahua water upgrades’.
For further information about this project, visit Council’s project page.
For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team
Buller District Council