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Councillors decide on additional Annual Plan items

15 Jun 2023

Feedback from last week’s draft Annual Plan public workshop was considered by council at an extraordinary meeting held yesterday.

The meeting was part of the process of finalising Buller District Council’s Annual Plan, which will be adopted at the end of this month.

Council received 10 items of feedback on the 2023-2024 Draft Annual Plan. Three items were revisited at yesterday’s extraordinary meeting following requests for further information. 

A staff request for funding for Westport water resulted in the decision to include an additional $0.65M for the installation of bulk flow meters, and treatment plant optimisation and investigation. The impact of this is likely to be $23 including GST per annum to each property connected to the Westport water supply. 

In total, staff had requested $3M for critical work including for the extension of the Westport Trunk Main. What’s outstanding will be looked at via the 2024-2034 Long term Plan process.

Councillors also considered an application from the Inangahua Community Board (ICB) to fund the extension of opening hours at the Reefton Pool. To extend the swimming season during the Easter holidays. This would cost an additional $10,000 in management fees, as advised by Buller Holdings Limited (BHL), who is the pool operator. 

This would cover the cost of operating the swimming pool for an extra three days per week for an extra two weeks. Elected members decided to advise the ICB that the swim season would remain as it is for now, but the ICB can put in a submission as part of the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan process. This would likely involve asking BHL to review the swim season to align with the Easter holidays. 

It was also decided to receive a report in relation to Reserve Contribution Funds. There was an additional resolution that directs the acting chief executive to bring options for a financial contribution and distribution policy for reserves to council.

Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “This is all part of an important process to prioritise how we allocate Annual Plan funding, including identifying what we can stretch to for now, and what might need to wait. 

“The Long-Term Plan (LTP) is reviewed every three years, so we are already thinking about what goes into the 2024-2034 LTP. There will be a full consultation process where people will get the chance to submit on what matters to them in shaping the future of Buller,” says Mayor Jamie Cleine.

A total rates increase of 6.8% is proposed compared with 5.4% that was signalled in the Long-Term Plan. 

Council is scheduled to adopt the Annual Plan at its meeting on Wednesday 28 June. It will come into effect on 1 July 2023.


further information please contact:
Buller Mayor
Jamie Cleine