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Zone One rubbish collection consultation results published

30 May 2024

The results of the recent Zone One rubbish collection consultation have been published ahead of the hearings and deliberations next week.

The consultation was carried out between 12 April and 20 May 2024 and aimed to seek feedback about the rubbish collection services in Zone One that will be implemented from July 2025 onwards.

150 submissions were received (88 online and 62 written), and 18 submitters wish to speak to their submissions. 72% were from Westport, 12% from Inangahua/Reefton, 10% from Northern Buller, 4% from Southern Buller (including Charleston and Punakaiki), 2% were from outside the district, and 1% did not provide their location.

35% of the submitters preferred Option 1, 30% preferred Option 4, 15% preferred Option 3, and 7% preferred Option 2. 14% of the submissions were counted as offering ‘no view’ due to submitters marking two or more options or not marking any option.

Overall, submitters indicated a preference for the Pay as You Throw model, reflected by the 57% of submitters in total who opted for Options 1, 2, and 3 which offer Pay as You Throw models.

The use of wheelie bins for rubbish collection was selected by 52% of the total submitters, who selected either Option 2, 3 or 4.

115 submitters commented on the proposal as part of the submission process. Staff analysed these comments, revealing why submitters chose each of the options.


Main reasons to choose the option


Submitters who preferred Option 1 said they consider the current use of bags a fair approach. Several said that they only use a few bags per year, and a rates-funded model would penalise those who generate minimal rubbish.

Others also expressed that the current system is very flexible. Some also said that council should not charge residents who don’t use the rubbish collection system and instead use other options like dropping rubbish off at the transfer stations.

Some expressed that rates are expensive enough and that residents with lower incomes cannot afford more council charges. 

Some expressed that the current use of rubbish bags supports ratepayers committed to a sustainable lifestyle, those who minimise waste, make compost at home, have an organic property, or reuse where possible.


Submitters who prefer Option 2 expressed that a user-pays model is their preferred approach. They highlighted that they do not use the rubbish collection services because they drop off rubbish at the transfer station.


Submitters who selected Option 3 expressed that this option meets the principle of Pay as You Throw, while moving away from bags. Some expressed that they like that this option gives the council more control over charges and prices.


Submitters who chose Option 4 preferred this option because they think it better suits the needs of the wider community. They considered it to provide the best value for money, be more cost-effective, and reduce overall rubbish costs.

Several outlined that they like the universal charges system because it will reduce illegal rubbish dumping and waste burning. Some highlight that this system works well in other regions and is a common approach in New Zealand.

Submitters who chose Option 4 favoured changing from bags to bins, since bags are impractical and hard to keep sanitary. Some expressed that having different sizes of bins is a fair approach and would suit people who produce less waste.


Manager Infrastructure Delivery Eric de Boer says: “Council remains committed to providing a consistent, effective and future-focused rubbish collection service in Zone One and the feedback is very valuable in exploring what that could look like.”

“The next step is public hearings, which will be held on 5 June for people who wish to speak to their submissions. Councillors will consider the feedback and discuss it during deliberations the following week.”

Councillors will make a decision during the Full Council meeting on 26 June. Once a decision is made, an open tender process will be undertaken to contract the company providing rubbish collection in Zone One from 1 July 2025.

The full report, which includes a summary of the results, a detailed analysis, and individual submissions, can be found on council’s website in the July Council Agenda.

Notes to the reader

The four options included in the Statement of Proposal are:

Option 1              Status quo - private sector contractor provides a weekly pre-paid bag and wheelie bin collection via Pay as You Throw. Contractor sets pricing and charges for the service.

Option 2              Private sector contractor provides a 120-litre fortnightly wheelie bin collection via Pay as You Throw. Contractor sets pricing and charges for the service.

Option 3              Council, through a private sector contractor, provides a fortnightly wheelie bin collection with a single 120-litre bin size via Pay as You Throw. Council sets pricing and charges for the service (each household will receive a 120-litre wheelie bin).

Option 4              Council, through a private contractor, provides a fortnightly wheelie bin collection with several different bin size options, i.e. 80 litres, 120 litres or 240 litres. Council sets rate for each bin size and charges via targeted rates (each household will receive a 120-litre wheelie bin unless they opt for a different size).


For further information please contact:
Manager Infrastructure Delivery
Eric de Boer