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Westport wharf repair work to commence

15 Jul 2024

Work on repairing Westport Harbour’s flood-damaged Kawatiri and Holcim #2 wharves alongside the Buller River is due to start later this month, with a repair contract awarded recently.  

Tender responses were strong, and the Buller District Council is pleased to announce that HEB Construction Limited has been appointed as the successful contractor. 

The work is being funded by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) as part of a wider flood recovery programme addressing damage caused by the July 2021 and February 2022 Buller River floods.  

The work will focus on repairing damage to the retaining wall and wharf decking comprising the Kawatiri and Holcim #2 wharves adjacent to the Buller River.  

It will ensure on-going viable wharf structures for vessel berthing associated with dredging and mineral sand operations. 

Repair designs were completed in 2023, and prospective contractors were invited to tender for the repair work between February and April this year. Nine contractors tendered for the repair work. 

Buller District Council Group Manager Corporate Services Paul Numan says: “Westport Harbour has the potential to play a key role in New Zealand’s coastal shipping network, as it has done in the past.  

Fully functional wharf facilities are of key importance in supporting increased harbour usage now and in the future, as well as attracting prospective harbour users and supporting transport resilience.” 

Preparation work will begin immediately, with the first physical works scheduled to commence in July 2024. The repair work has a scheduled duration of ten months. 


For further information please contact: 
Community Engagement Team   
Buller District Council