Submissions close on Council’s proposed rates review
Submissions in response to Buller District Council’s proposed rate review closed last Friday with a total of 455 submissions received.
Of the responses received, 80% did not support the proposal, 16% supported it, and 4% gave no response. 79 submitters indicated they want to speak to their submission at hearings that will take place on 9 and 10 March at Council Chambers, in Westport. Due to the number of submissions received hearings will start a day earlier than originally planned.
Council’s Acting Group Manager Krissy Trigg said each person who has indicated they wish to speak at the hearings will be allocated 10-minutes to do so.
“We will be in contact with people to notify them of when their time slot is”.
All submissions have been distributed to Councillors and are available for viewing on council’s website.
The submission process was open for four weeks. During this time, council representatives held seven drop-in sessions around the district to answer questions and provide information.
Councillors will deliberate and decide about the proposal on 11 March.
For more information please contact
Krissy Trigg
Acting Group Manager Commercial and Corporate Services