Restricted Use Water Notice: Waimangaroa
07 Mar 2025
During weekly maintenance at the Waimangaroa Water Supply, the operations team have observed that the Unnamed Creek intake is showing signs of running dry, with the reservoir tank only 75% full.
Despite recent rainfall, it has not been sufficient to meet the town supply demand.
We are hopeful that consistent rainfall over the coming week will replenish intake flow as soon as possible.
In the meantime, Council is issuing a Restricted Use Water Notice for Waimangaroa until further assessments have been conducted on Monday 10 March.
Restricted use means limiting water consumption to:
- Limited use of water for operational and maintenance priorities as required for business sustainability.
- Limited residential outdoor use with hand-held buckets, watering cans and no water blasting allowed.
- No high-use consumption/filling activities or general hard-surface hosing is permitted, including unattended sprinkler devices.
A further update will be provided on Tuesday.
Please visit the Council's website for water restriction guidelines, including tips on minimising outdoor water use.