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Reefton Campground Accommodation Project

01 Jul 2024

Buller District Council invites public feedback on a proposed development at the Reefton Motor Camp, on part of the Reefton Recreation Reserve located between Bridge Street and Ross Street, Reefton. A plan showing the site of the proposed development is included below. 


Council proposes to install six new cabins on the site, comprising four double units and two single accessible units. Additionally, 10 car parks will be constructed on the site. The cabins may be prefabricated off-site and later transported to the site, where they will be connected to essential services such as power, drainage, and plumbing.

  • The purpose of this proposal is to provide long-term or temporary accommodation for workers and/or Reefton visitors.
  • Council proposes to set aside the site for the purposes of the camping ground, and as are locatable home park (as defined in the Camping-Grounds Regulations 1985).

The proposed cabin designs can be found here Proposed Reefton Campground Cabin Construction Design.

Please go to our Reefton Campground Accommodation Project page for our online submission form and further information on how to submit feedback. Buller District Council valued community input. 

Any submissions or objections have to be received by Council until 4:00pm on Thursday, 1 August 2024.