Progress made towards preparing council's Stafford Street homes for new occupants
Buller District Council remains committed to ensuring its Stafford Street homes, gifted by Kāinga Ora following the 2021 floods, are tenanted as soon as possible.
Group Manager Community Services Krissy Trigg says: “Council acknowledges it is difficult to see homes empty in the town when there is a critical shortage of rental properties, but it is important that the correct processes are followed to allow these houses to be tenanted.”
An application to amend conditions in the resource consent has been made by council in relation to the houses being repurposed for general residential use, as they are no longer required for flood recovery purposes, as well as some minor landscaping changes. This will be processed by an external planner to ensure the assessment is independent.
The land the houses sit on is currently owned by the Buller Resilience Trust, which subleases to Buller District Council.
A number of minor property repairs and refurbishments are underway, including to guttering and downpipe connections, deck handrails, roofing, internal door and window fittings and external cladding. Healthy Homes standard insulation work has been completed where necessary.
“Council sought and reviewed feedback from the residents of neighbouring properties prior to making the decision to lease the properties in September and October 2024.
Several local entities have made enquiries about leasing the whole site. If the resource consent conditions are amended successfully, then negotiations with any interested groups can begin and the houses will be tenanted as soon as possible. Buller District Council will implement a tender process to assist with this stage of the occupancy proceedings, and more details will be made available once the resource consent process is complete” says Ms Trigg.
It is intended that the homes will be leased for workers’ accommodation until November 2026, at which point a review of the property’s ongoing future use will be conducted.
The rental income generated by these homes will cover the minor repair works the houses require to ready them for renting and will also contribute towards other council property projects.
For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team
Buller District Council