Port enhancements at Westport Harbour to improve the Buller District’s emergency resilience
The Buller District’s Civil Defence capability is set to become significantly more resilient, thanks to funding received recently from central government and Development West Coast to upgrade Westport’s port facilities.
The addition of a new 24-metre-wide roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ramp (please see concept plan attached) is planned for Westport’s Floating Basin, which will allow direct-to-land movement of supplies, such as fuel and vehicles, in emergencies when inter-regional road and rail access is compromised.
The RORO ramp will allow vessels with bow loading capabilities, such as barges, to discharge trucks and goods directly to shore, connecting directly with Buller’s local roading network.
A portion of the funding allocated for this project will allow the Westport Harbour dredge Kawatiri to carry out channel dredging in the Floating Basin, creating the additional depth that will be required for these vessels to navigate. The ramp will also benefit commercial and recreational port users outside of emergency situations.
Additional funding has been received to upgrade the Kawatiri’s existing dredging equipment with a supplementary hydraulic pump, allowing her to be better adapted for channel dredging.
Group Manager Regulatory Services Simon Bastion says: “This exciting development at the port will greatly enhance our ability to respond to emergency situations and provide vital support to our district. With these improvements in place, we will be better equipped to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community during natural hazard events.”
Buller District Council received a total of $4.872 million for four port improvement initiatives, comprising $3.216 million from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Kānoa – Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit, with co-funding of $1.656 million to be provided by Development West Coast.
For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team
Buller District Council
The information in this media release was correct at time of publication. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information.