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Outcomes from deliberations: Draft Enhanced Annual Plan 2024-25

14 Jun 2024

Buller District Council has successfully concluded its deliberations on the 2024/25 Draft Enhanced Annual Plan. 

The draft plan documents were adopted at an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 10 April 2024 and made available for public review.  

Following an extensive consultation period from 12 April to 20 May 2024, plus an extension of time for submissions on the water and wastewater rates changes to 4 June, the community was invited to present their feedback in person during public hearings held between 5-7 June.   

Throughout the consultation period, council actively engaged with the community. Public drop-in sessions and meetings were held across various locations, information was presented in the district-wide Connect newsletters and an online survey portal was established to facilitate the submission of feedback.  

This extensive engagement process ensured that the council received a wide range of perspectives and insights. 

In response to the feedback received, council has made several key decisions.  

It has been decided to continue levying rates for water and wastewater services from 1 July 2024 on the same basis as currently implemented.  

Additionally, the proposed rating system for water and wastewater services will undergo a review for possible inclusion in the Long-Term Plan 2025-2034.  

This review will consider the principles of the Government’s Local Water Done Well policy, the proposals in the Draft Enhanced Annual Plan, and the submissions received during the consultation period. 

Council will also review any objections to the Rating Information Database received until 30 June 2024, along with any other objections brought to its attention.  

This review aims to ensure that all concerns are addressed comprehensively. Furthermore, the council is committed to developing remission policies where appropriate. 

In another significant move, council will review the general rate differential system to consider potential changes as part of the Long-Term Plan 2025-2034. From 1 July 2024, the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) will increase from $550 to $580. 

Grant requests for the next financial year and the agreement on council’s contribution towards the district’s roading programme were also decided on.  

Additionally, the methodology for calculating the management fee payable to Buller Recreation Limited will be documented, commencing 1 July 2025. This step aims to bring clarity and transparency to the process. 

Acknowledging the impact of rates increases on the community, council understands the financial challenges faced by residents.  

During the deliberations held on 11 and 12 June 2024, a notable reduction in the proposed total rates was achieved, dropping from 19.7% to 14.6%. This reduction aligns with council’s commitment to financial prudence and responsiveness to community feedback.  

The new indicative rate will guide the preparation of the final Enhanced Annual Plan document, which is scheduled for adoption on 26 June 2024. 

These outcomes demonstrate council’s dedication to transparency, fiscal responsibility, and addressing the needs and concerns of the community.  

The final Enhanced Annual Plan will continue to ensure the delivery of essential services and infrastructure maintenance, reflecting council's commitment to serving its community effectively. 


For further information, please contact:
Community Engagement Team  
Buller District Council