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Inangahua Junction Water Supply update

05 Mar 2025

The Essential Use Water Notice remains in effect for the Inangahua Junction Water Supply.

The pump rate dropped by a further 0.1 L/s due to higher water consumption between Thursday 27 February and Sunday 2 March. This resulted in the treatment plant operating continuously for four days.

Council encourages the Inangahua community to continue restricting their water consumption to essential uses.

•    Please avoid filling water tanks
•    Don't leave taps running unattended
•    Avoid unnecessary use of water outdoors, e.g. washing vehicles. 

With the assistance of the Inangahua Junction Community Hall Committee, two emergency water tanks have been installed next to the Community Hall and Reserve. These tanks will only be activated in the case of a town-wide water shortage and will always be under a boil water notice.

At present, the tanks remain empty, and plumbing will be completed once the water supply returns to normal operation. If an urgent supply of water is required, Council will arrange for a water carrier to fill the tanks.

Council will continue to provide weekly updates on the water supply status. In the meantime, we greatly appreciate the community's patience and cooperation in keeping water demand as low as possible during this period. 

Two cylindrical green water tanks outside a wooden building