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Buller residents express concern about disruption caused by coal trucking movements

09 Aug 2024

Buller District Council is aware of increasing concern from residents regarding disturbance from the ongoing truck movements currently required to transport coal from Ngakawau to Ikamatua via Westport in the absence of a functional rail facility.

Council acknowledges there has been a significant increase in heavy traffic through Ngakawau, Granity, Westport and Reefton. For Westport this includes use of the signposted heavy transport route, which encompasses Domett, Mill, Queen and Palmerston Streets.

This is due to the KiwiRail closure of the damaged Tawhai rail tunnel and the subsequent requirement for Bathurst Resources to transport coal by road instead. Once the Tawhai tunnel is reopened, truck movements on the heavy transport route will noticeably reduce.

Council is responsible for ensuring the road is fit for purpose for heavy trucks and making sure it is a good neighbour, recognising that the heavy transport route passes through an urban area.

A section of road in Queen Street which is of particular concern has been inspected by BDC staff, and further work is proposed to reduce the depressions and humps in the road. These have potentially contributed to increased road noise, created by the passing of trucks and other vehicles with trailers.

A new pipeline is due to be installed under the road near the Mill Street end of Queen Street. Some of the road depressions and humps in this area will be smoothed out as much as possible when this service line is installed and should help decrease the road noise. This work is scheduled to take place within the next three weeks.

During the road sealing season (which is normally between October and April), and once the pressure from trucking movements has eased, council will consider smoothing the road further to remove other depressions and humps that may contribute to road noise.

Council is in contact with the heavy transport operators and has asked that operating speeds through the urban area are reduced, especially at night and across the railway lines in Reefton and Westport.

Council is also keeping in close contact with Bathurst Resources and KiwiRail. Members of the public can contact Bathurst Resources regarding the trucking operations via

Council’s Traffic Bylaw is likely to be reviewed within the next 12 months and will be publicly consulted on. This will provide an opportunity for the Buller community to put forward submissions on heavy transport routes and excessive noise.


For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team
Buller District Council