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Buller District Council decides on future of former Reefton Service Centre building

01 Aug 2024

At yesterday’s July full council meeting, Buller District Council decided to put the former Reefton Service Centre building up for sale, subject to final legal advice, with the intention of using the proceeds of this sale to invest in the Inangahua Ward’s senior housing stock.

Because the former Reefton Service Centre is no longer required for council use, a decision on the future of the land and building was required.

Group Manager Community Services Krissy Trigg says: “This decision was made with the support of the Inangahua Community Board, who gave their recommendation to dispose of the property and use the proceeds to invest in local senior housing at their meeting earlier in July.”

Other commercial or community use lease-type arrangements options were considered for the building, but deemed unsuitable due to incurring ongoing maintenance costs, reduced returns and inconsistencies with council protocols for the use of its buildings.

In line with the principles of council’s property rationalisation project, endorsed in the 2021-2031 Long-Term Plan, it was considered that the sale of the building and land on the open market is the most prudent and transparent course of action.

The former Service Centre building became vacant as a result of the amalgamation of BDC’s Reefton Service Centre with the Reefton Visitor and Information Centre in 2022.

The building and associated land was purchased from the Crown in 1989 and prior to this, NZ Post operated the Reefton Post Office from the building. After the local government amalgamation in November 1989, BDC continued to use the building for the Reefton Service Centre, providing NZ Post services along with the library facility.


For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team Buller District Council