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Buller District Council clarifies standing orders in relation to workshops

07 Aug 2024

Buller District Council approved amendments to its Standing Orders pertaining to workshops at last Wednesday’s full council meeting.

These amendments are the result of the Chief Ombudsman’s ‘Open for Business’ report released in October 2023.

The report made recommendations regarding how workshops should be run, and since October 2023, council has been following the workshop recommendations.

Amendments have been made to the Standing Orders, reflecting these recommendations and embedding them into council procedures.

A new appendix has been added to the Standing Orders which clearly sets out the process and procedures for holding workshops.

These amendments will ensure workshops continue to be conducted in an open and transparent manner.

Group Manager Community Services Krissy Trigg says: “Workshops are valuable for informing and preparing elected members giving them more information in order for them to be in a position to make sound decisions for their communities, as well as for fostering deliberation and discussion between elected members and council staff.

Final decisions and resolutions can only be made within the framework of a properly constituted meeting, as they cannot legally be made outside of this context.”

The workshop dates, times, venues and subjects are advertised in advance on the Buller District Council website.

Workshops are set as open to the public by default, and if it is necessary for them to be held in a public excluded setting, the reasons for this under LGOIMA 1987 are communicated at the time of advertising.

Workshops are also an important forum for our district’s community-based subcommittees.

There are eleven hall and reserve subcommittees run by a committed core of local volunteers scattered throughout the far reaches of Buller.

Workshops help provide subcommittee members with the appropriate background and subject knowledge to have robust discussions prior to decisions being made for the management and development of the halls and reserves.

“Our reserve and hall subcommittee meetings and workshops are organised by dedicated community members who are volunteers.

It’s timely to remind those attending these workshops that they are a place to discuss the management of halls and reserves in the district and the projects, responsibilities and issues pertaining to these community assets, rather than the wider issues in the community” says Ms Trigg.

"We’ll continue to work with these subcommittees to ensure meetings and workshops run smoothly. We encourage everyone to take an interest in these great community assets — come along to understand what's happening, lend a hand, and perhaps even volunteer.”

All council and committee workshops which are open to the public will be livestreamed on Buller District Council’s YouTube channel, providing the appropriate technology or equipment is available.


For further information please contact:
Community Engagement Team Buller District Council