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Application for Grant of Resource Consent: Universal Jet Ltd

04 Jul 2024

Notice is hereby given by the Buller District Council (BDC) of the following application:

APPLICANT: Universal Jet Limited    
ADDRESS: C/- Chris J Coll Surveying Limited, PO Box 204, Westport 7866
LOCATION: Hydro parcel (Buller River) and Part Section 54 Block VIII Ohika Survey District (Berlins Café)
TERM SOUGHT: Unlimited duration

Resource consent is sought to undertake a commercial jet boat activity on the Buller River between the Floating Basin and the Iron Bridge with operations based at Berlins Café. Consent is also sought for the erection of a sign at Berlins Café advertising the café and jet boat business.

The application (and supporting information including an Assessment of Environmental Effects and further information) may be examined at the office of the Buller District Council, 6 Brougham Street, Westport, during normal office hours or on the Buller District Council website

Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:
(a)    adversely affects the environment; and
(b)    does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

If you wish to make a submission on this application, you may do so by sending a written submission to the Buller District Council on the specified form. This form can be obtained from the website or Council's office in Brougham Street.

An information pack regarding the application can be downloaded here.

The submission must be dated, signed, and include the following information:
•    Your name and postal address and telephone number and/or fax number and e-mail address (if applicable).
•    Whether you support or oppose the application or are neutral.
•    Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission, including the applicant, application number, activity and location.
•    The reasons for making your submission.
•    The decision you wish the Consent Authority (the Councils) to make.
•    Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.

A person who makes a submission shall send a copy of it to the Applicant at the address shown above as soon as reasonably practicable after serving the submission on the Consent Authority.

Written submissions to the above application shall be addressed to: The Planning department, Buller District Council, PO Box 21, Westport, 7866. Submissions can be emailed to 

The submission period will close at 5:00 pm on Thursday 1 August 2024.

Please contact the Processing Planner Rebecca Inwood via e-mail: or phone 027 255 7306 if you have any queries about this application.