You can pay Council by internet banking including the payment details referencing what you are paying.
Account Name: Buller District Council
Bank: Westpac
Branch: Westport
Account Number: 03-0897-0084770-00
Payment details
When paying by internet banking, please ensure that you put the correct reference details on the payment so that we can assign the payment to the correct place.
Customers often have their rates set up as a regular payment. If the particulars and reference are not changed when making your payment for something else, the fees can be misdirected to your rates account.
The table below shows you the type of payment and the reference required.
Valuation number
Consents - Deposit only
Applicant name: Surname then initials
Customer No or Invoice No or Site Address
Consents - Invoiced on issue of consent
Applicant name: Surname then initials
BC or RC
Customer No. or Invoice No.
All other consent related invoices
Applicant name: Surname then initials
BC or RC
Customer No. or Invoice No.
All Alcohol and Health licensing fees including manager's certificate
Licence Type: On Licence, Food Premises etc
Premises name (if premises) / Surname
Customer No. or Invoice No.
Dog Registration
Name: Surname then initials
Owner No. or Address
Property files
Name: Surname, then initials
Prop file
Address of the property that you ordered a property file for
Other invoices
Name: Surname then initials
Debtor Number
Invoice Number
All alcohol licensing applications must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
All building and resource consent applications must be accompanied by a deposit.
If you post or email applications in and pay by internet banking, your application will not be processed until payment is received.