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There are two landfills in the Buller District – one in Karamea and one in Maruia. Both are owned by Buller District Council.

Opening hours and guidelines

The two Karamea facilities – the landfill and Karamea Resource Recovery Centre and Disposal Facility – are located at the same address. Both refuse and recycling are accepted there.

Items that can be recycled at the Karamea Resource Recovery Centre and Disposal Facility include:

  • Clear and coloured plastics #1, #2 and #5, including plastic #1 meat trays. All items need to be rinsed clean, with any lids removed.
  • Steel and aluminium tins and cans (rinsed clean and checked)
  • Vehicle batteries
  • Paint containers
  • Household batteries
  • Oil, transmission fluids and hydraulics (they must be clean and dropped off in containers no larger than 20 litres).

Note, glass and cardboard cannot be recycled in Karamea (standard refuse charges apply).

See fees and charges for the details on pricing and our recycling guidelines for each recycling zone.

  • Days of operation: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
  • Hours of operation: 10.00 am - 1.00 pm

Refuse can be dropped off at the Maruia landfill during opening hours. Payment is EFTPOS only. 

View the facility guide, which outlines what is accepted at the site here.

The Maruia Landfill and Recycling Facility has a recycling container that has six boxes, one for plastics, one for paper/cardboard, one for cans and one for each colour of glass (clear, brown, green).  

The container can be accessed during opening hours.   

It is essential everyone follows the guidelines below when using the recycling container:  

  • Only clear and coloured plastics #1, #2 and #5 are recyclable. Plastic #1 meat trays are now accepted. All items need to be rinsed clean, with any lids removed.
  • Cardboard and paper are recyclable. Clean pizza boxes, without food residue are now accepted. Items must be larger than an envelope, clean and flattened before going into the bin.    
  • Steel and aluminium tins and cans are recyclable. You need to rinse, clean, and check them.   
  • Glass must be separated by colour: green, brown and clear.    
  • Do not leave recycling material outside of the container at any time. If the container is full, dispose of your glass at the Reefton Transfer Station during opening hours. Do not leave material next to the container or in surrounding areas.  
  • Do not put broken glass, drinking glasses, windowpanes, car windscreens or mirrors in the container. They need to be disposed of as refuse at the Maruia Landfill or Reefton Transfer Station.  

Scrap metal, e-waste (electronic waste), fridges and general whiteware, large batteries, household batteries and agrichemical containers are received at the Reefton Transfer Station and Recycling Centre. 

For queries about refuse and recycling in Maruia, phone Buller District Council on 0800 807 239.

  • Days of operation: Thursday
  • Hours of operation: 1.00pm - 2.30pm